
Published on Saturday, 15 June 2013



Contrarily to the misinformation broadly spread by the propaganda of the circles of power, the anticancer Di Bella Method (DBM), it is not "alternative" in the common meaning of the term, but it represents the rational integration of medical knowledge definitively acquired and emerging scientific evidence in a clinical freed by economic-political pollutions.

In all solid tumors chemo and/or radiotherapy, on basis of verifiable data and documented by scientific literature, do not have the ability to eradicate the tumor, but in a certain percentage, (which varies in base to the histological characteristics, the staging and tumor localization) can obtain only reductions or remissions of varying duration, penalized by toxicity and the mutagenic effect that selects more aggressive and resistant cancer populations in an organism that is increasingly debilitated by chemotherapy itself.

In many other cases the chemo and/or radio don't even get this deceptive and temporary palliative effect. We emphasize that the answer to the DBM is inversely proportional to the number and intensity of chemo or radiotherapy done, (the higher the number of cycles and the dose of chemo-radiotherapy done, less the MDB can show its effectiveness) and is directly proportional to the precocity of the treatment.

More the beginning of the DBM is precocious in comparison to the beginning of the illness, more rapid and effective is the response. However, in many (obviously not all of them) critical situations and advanced stages, DBM has also allowed us to achieve some improvement in the quality of life, (if the vital functions were not hopelessly compromised), to increase the life expectancy, compared to the median survival reported in the scientific literature in each single individual diseases and stadiums. The scientific evidence of antitumor action of each component of the MDB and enhancing synergy in this multitherapy context , can be found in the scientific medical database PubMed.

These documented scientific confirmations are not yet implemented by the Italian ministerial committees that it doesn't foresee the disbursement of DBM by the National Health Service.

In fact the current government has enacted laws that prevent the patients to appeal in order to obtain the dispensing of DBM even in cases in which they can clearly document the indisputable failure of chemotherapy to which they were unnecessarily subjected to, and the complete and stable healing with DBM.

These dispositions do not have scientific reasons and justifications, in fact typing, e.g., on PubMed: (((somatostatin) OR octreotide) OR somatostatine analogue) AND (cancer OR tumor) therapy, you get several thousand results of publications demonstrating the potential anticancer and tolerability of somatostatin, among them numerous publications of the candidate for the Nobel Prize Pollak MN and the Nobel Prize Schally AV., including: Mechanisms of antineoplastic action of somatostatin analogs, arrived twenty years after the publication of Professor Luigi Di Bella on Pineal Research (to the World Congress of Amsterdam on the pineal 1978), which included somatostatin among its essential components of the anticancer therapy.

Since then, both Pollak and Schally have published dozens of works (not yet enhanced in oncological therapy) on the antitumor efficacy and tolerability of somatostatin in all tumors.

So typing any other component of the DBM like (Retinoid[Title/Abstract]) AND (cancer OR tumor OR neoplasia) or (Melatonin[Title/Abstract]) AND (cancer OR tumor), or (Vitamin D[Title/Abstract]) AND (cancer OR tumor) and so on, we obtain tens of thousands of publications that confirm the scientific side and the effectiveness of each part of the DBM, which anticipated more than 30 years the recent acquisitions of the research, not yet enhanced by the oncology for a serious delay and a dramatic gap between scientific evidence and clinical practice!

A deeper and more complete definition of the DBM and its documented possibilities both preventive and therapeutic, can be found in the publication The Di Bella Method that displays the scientific thought of Professor Di Bella, the principles of the MDB, it's biochemical, molecular, pharmacological and physiological aspect. The potential antineoplastic action of the MDB components is documented by more than 2000 references cited in the text. The book is published by the Mattioli 1885 SpA Publishing House. To the physicians that are interested and make requests to the scientific center of the Foundation Di Bella in Via Marconi 51 - Bologna, Zip 40122 Tel +39 051 239 662 the volume "The Di Bella Method" is sent free of charge, as well as publications (In international scientific journals reviewed by pubmed) of the clinical trials the MDB. These publications are available on the official website of therapy Metodo Di Bella which lists hundreds of Abstract translated, and references.

It would be particularly helpful that the patients before deciding the treatment to follow, could have the possibility to check together with a trusted doctor (who knows medical-scientific English) which are the real possibilities of oncology in their type of disease visiting the site: PDQ® Cancer Information Summaries: Adult Treatment (NCI - National Cancer Institute) the most important oncological clinical reference from all over the world. For each pathology and its stage NCI returns all the therapeutic possibilities chemo or radiotherapic and/or monoclonal antibodies with their prognosis, and median of survival.

In neoplastic diseases DBM, like any other medical treatment, cannot promise or guarantee the cure, but in the majority of the neoplasies, can achieve better results with regard to the quality of life and the increase in life expectancy compared with literature data in the same diseases at the same level.

We never get tired repeating that the response to the MDB is directly proportional to the precocity of the treatment in comparison to the onset of the illness, and inversely with the number and intensity of chemotherapy and radiotherapy made.

Another fundamental aspect for a realistic assessment of the potential of the DBM, is the fact that chemotherapy, and radiotherapy alone or associated can invalidate and nullify, partially or completely the response of DBM and its therapeutic effects. As well as the advanced stages and/or critical may nullify the therapeutic effects of the DBM.

Many patients and family members for months or years rely on chemotherapy, and at the end, after the failure of the oncological treatment when the progression of the tumor has reached an unstoppable level, they turn to Metodo Di Bella (DBM). About this the sick and their families have no responsibilities, but the circles of power who manage medicine and have full control of the information, misinforming and censoring the Metodo Di Bella (DBM).


Instruction for use of the DBM

The family doctor should be informed about your choice to apply the DBM, which he could approve or not. Except for some components which can be prescribed by your GP (General Practitioner) as (Italian and/or European name) Atiten, Calcium Sandoz, Zofran, Parlodel, Dostinex, most of the drugs of the DBM are not paid (to Italian citizens) by the Italian National Health Service. We are willing to give to the family doctor all the scientific documentation that he will ask about the anticancer action of each individual component of the Di Bella Method and their synergistic effect in the multy therapeutic context of the DBM.

Treatment of the most frequent symptoms and possible side effects that may occur during treatment with Di Bella Method

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue can initially appear in many patients, even not pre-treated with chemo-radiotherapy, or in non-advanced stages of cancer. In these cases generally occurs a progressive and gradual adaptation and improvement within a few weeks.

These symptoms are much more frequent and obvious, particularly in patients in critical stage, advanced especially if pre-treated with chemo/radiotherapy/monoclonal antibodies. Even gastrointestinal disorders (gastritis, gastro-duodenal ulcers, reflux, colitis, dyspepsia, liver digestive deficiencies), or nervous disorders: anxiety, depression, emotional, state of hopelessness and irritability may encourage, strengthen and lead to a greater overestimation of these symptoms which in the vast majority of cases are neither serious nor permanent.

Usually they are expressed with intensity proportional to the stage of the disease at the time when the DBM was begun, and to the damage suffered by functions and vital organs during surgical treatment or chemo/radiation therapy/monoclonal antibodies, or caused by tumor progression and metastatic dissemination in organs and tissues. Even vagal hypertonia (aptitude to nausea or vomiting); metabolic disorders, including diabetes; exocrine pancreatic, hepato digestive and respiratory insufficiencies; cardiovascular diseases, may cause or amplify these symptoms, just as most patients suffering from allergic diathesis may be affected the most.

The most common disorders are: nausea, and/or vomiting, due to the action of somatostatin over secretions and motility of the digestive system. Also possible are bloating, heaviness, dysentery, fatigue, loss of appetite.

Several measures can reduce intensity and duration of these symptoms: the application of the timer for the infusion of somatostatin at least 3 hours after a light evening dinner (reduce decidedly mayonnaise, butter, cream, sauce, sausages, pastries, eliminate fries, wine, beer and spirits). Possibly at mid-afternoon have a light meal, reduced, with fruit, toast or anything else, in order to reduce the evening one.

Prof. Di Bella 3-4 times a week advised to replace pasta or rice with pureed legumes: chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans, broad beans (eliminating the hard to digest skin which cause bloating and meteorism) to which you can add a small amount of blended white meat. The resulting fragmentation promotes and accelerate the digestion. Legumes are rich in protein, low in fat and carbohydrate, molecules preferably used by neoplastic cells.

Ingest little liquids during the meal, drink at will up to 20-30 minutes before the meal or at least 3 hours later. Especially in the first 2 months, adjust the timer to 12 hours. More prolonged is the infusion, the more the effect of somatostatin and/or octreotide is tolerated and effective.

In case of nausea or vomiting in the morning ingesting the retinoids solution, give one tablet of - Italian and/or European name - Zofran 8mg (or Ondasterone-based analogues only!) at least 60-90 minutes before taking the retinoids solution. If this is insufficient, move to 8 mg by intramuscular injection.

PAY ATTENTION PLEASE: other antiemetics commonly used in these diseases as Plasil, Peridon, Litican, Levopraid and so on (respectively with Metoclopramide, Domperidone Alizapride, Levosulpirie) are clearly contraindicated because they increase prolactin, which together with the growth hormone GH, forms the so-called "GH-Prolactin axis", which represents the maximum boost to the proliferation and neoplastic progression!

It is clearly and absolutely contraindicated also the smoking that notoriously represents a strong neoplastic inductor because of the hydrocarbon that contains (Benzopyrene), while nicotine is a promoter of angiogenesis, essential step of neoplastic progression.

Usually (with the exception for some cardiovascular pathology) there are no contraindications for 2-3 coffees per day, which on the contrary may contain drowsiness induced in some cases, especially for the first month, by melatonin.

If there is persistent diarrhea, (in addition to the regular use of milk enzymes, and the limiting for 1-2 weeks the consumption of retinoids only in the morning) suspend the use of calcium in bags until the remission of the diarrhea, and rise to the maximum (12 hours) the duration of the infusion of somatostatin. In these cases take 1 tablet of Dissenten or Imodium (or loperamide-based analogues, in capsules or effervescent tablets or orosoluble tablets) at the first rush repeating a tablet at every evacuation. Generally it takes 3-4 tablets per day, however if the condition persists do not exceed 6 tablets per day. In such cases, to facilitate digestion, add Creon 10,000 or analogues, 1 tablet in the morning, 2 at noon and in the evening (active substance: pancrelipasi). In these cases it is good to associate for 3 days Clioquinol 125mg capsules (galenic formulation produced by pharmacists equipped for the prepartion of the DBM medicines), 3 tablets morning and evening (6 per day) along with one tablet of Bimixin (or analogues based on neomycin sulfate + Bacitracin) morning and evening x 3 days and two tablets of Lysozyme 500mg x meal (6 per day). This combination of medicines is effective in cases of diarrhea induced by intestinal pathogenic germs.

Even in the event of intestinal fermentations, bloating, heaviness, meteorism it is indicated a tablet of Creon 10,000 in the morning, 2 at midday, 2 in evening, with meals until the resolution of symptoms, repeating the administration if the disorder recurs. In obstinate forms of diarrhea even a tablet morning and evening of Antispasmin Colic in various cases is useful.

In the presence of acidity, reflux, gastritis, use products based on: Omeprazole (e.g.: Antra or Losec), Lansoprazole (e.g.: Prevacid or Lansoxecc), Esomeprazole (e.g.: Axagon or Nexiumecc), Pantoprazole (e.g.: Pantopan, Pantorc etc), Rabeprazole sodium (Pariet) or the corrisponding generic analogues, in dosages of 10 mg to 40 mg, at the discretion of the GP. Otherwise with the same indications, Ranitidine 300mg (Zantac or similar) 1 tablet per day etc, eventually combining as needed antacids based on Maalox (or analogues based on  magnesium hydroxide) in case of reflux Gaviscon a spoon 3 times a day (or analogues based on sodium alginate and bicarbonate). For abdominal pain, colics, are suitable Buscopan and/or Antispasmin Colic (or analogues based on hyoscine butylbromide or on belladonna extract 1% hyoscyamine + Papaverine Chlorhydrate).

In some cases, more frequently in latent or confirmed forms of diabetes (diabetes frequently precedes and promotes the onset of neoplasias), by the effect of Somatostatin, there may be a slight increase of blood sugar that usually does not reaches alarming levels. This increase can also occur in cases where the DBM involves the use of Synachten. If despite a limited intake of carbohydrates (sugars) high levels of blood sugar are still observed, it is recommended whenever possible, the use of oral hypoglycemic agents based on Metformin, which has shown some anti-tumor activity.

We also explain in brief how to treat diseases intercurrent in the course of application of the DBM in illness such as flus, colds, respiratory or digestive tract deseases.

For some of these most frequent pathologies in cold seasons, (cold, flu, cough, pharyngitis, bronchitis) is good to keep in the house, ready for use, some products that are compatible with the DBM, effective and tolerated as Lysozyme 500mg tablets and injections of Immunoglobulins (Berigoblin 5ml or analogues, to keep in the fridge!), which would require variable waiting time. Not all pharmacies have Lysozyme as medicinal nor they prepare it as galenic formulation. By the frequent mutations that have the flu viruses over the course of a year, influenza vaccines can rarely have a real effectiveness, for the improbable coincidence between antigenic character of the virus and the vaccine, more frequently the vaccine induces a misdirection of the patient's immune system aggravating the situation. It is essential an immediate intensive and continuous use of Lysozyme at the earlyest symptoms of cold, pharyngitis, flu; that shortens the course considerably, restricts the complications, symptoms and relapses, significantly enhances the effect of antibiotics and limits their use. It is good therefore always to keep at home some bottle of 500mg Lysozyme, which acts on all viruses and many protozoa and bacteria. Lysozyme is a component of natural immunity (C4), has no toxicity, neither acute nor chronic, and also acts on some germs responsible for intestinal disorders.

For respiratory diseases you should keep at home and use at the first symptoms in addition to Lysozyme, also the Betadine mouthwash for repeated and prolonged gargles (without diluting the product), at least 3-4 times a day.

To cleanse the nasal cavity and shorten the course of rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis, flus, besides the products mentioned, are also useful nasal wash 3-4 times a day with physiological and/or saline solutions.

In case of cough, catarrh, bronchitis, it is appropriate to use aerosol with broad-spectrum antibiotics the type of Glazidim or Timecef (or analogues based on ceftazidime or cefodizime) in vials of 1g. Prepare the product as for injection by diluting the lyophilized with solvent and use 1/2 vial morning and evening for at least 6 days. The administration by aerosol significantly decreases the percentage of antibiotic assimilated compared to oral or intramuscular administration, but effectively acts on upper aerodigestive epithelia.

If there is bronchospasm, breathlessness, difficulty breathing, asthmatic crisis, in the aerosol ampoule associate 1\2 vial of Pulmist (or analogues based on Flunisolide) and 10 drops of Broncovaleas (or analogues based on Salbutamol). PAY ATTENTION PLEASE: the Broncovaleas is contraindicated presence of tachycardias, extra systoles, risk of fibrillations.

In primary or metastatic lung cancer it is prudent to keep an oxygen cylinder at home and do, in case of respiratory difficulty, in addition to the aforementioned aerosols, Seretide spray 25/250 (or analogues based on Salmeterol - Fluticasone) doing 2 applications by mouth, breathing in deeply and holding the breath for as much as possible.

If the Lysozyme, nasal washes, aerosols, Betadine (Iodopovidone or analogues) mouthwash are insufficient to resolve the flu symptoms within 3-4 days, do an intramuscular injection of Immunoglobulins (Beriglobin 5 ml or analogues) one vial per day for 2 days the third after a week (keep refrigerated). The gamma globulin gives an immediate increase of immune defence capability. In Italy it is not available in pharmacies, as it is only intended for hospital use, whereas can be found regularly abroad.

Use Tachipirin or Novalgin for fever (or analogues based on paracetamol or metamizole) unless it has been observed evidences of allergies to these products.

Can occur, in some cases, an anemia (lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin) and/or leukopenia (a lowering of white blood cells) especially in patients pretreated with chemotherapy/radiotherapy, and/or in critical stage, advanced that usually recedes when administering erythropoietin (Eprex 10,000 or analogues) which is recommended if the hemoglobin (benchmark) drops below 11. If there is leukopenia (lack of white blood cells) and if these fall under 3500 it is useful the subcutaneous injection of Myelostim or analogues. The prescription issued by the undersigned, letterhead and signed shall be valid in all respects, but does not entail free provision of medicines by the National Health Service. The prescription may be renewed by the GP or by doctors who cooperate in the application of the DBM. As all prescriptions, including the products available abroad like immunoglobulins.

Growth factors of red blood cells (Eprex or analogues) or white (Myelostim or analogues), the medicines indicated in hormone-dependent cancers, such as Femara, Aromasin, Arimidex, Decapeptyl, Enantone, Casodex etc, can be prescribed by any doctor, but the "treatment plan" for their free provision - in Italy - must be prescribed by a hematologist or oncologist or endocrinologist of National Health Service. Neither myself nor a doctor who isn't hematologist or oncologist or endocrinologist affiliated or employed by the National Health Service can formulate treatment plans for the free provision of these products or of Somatostatin and/or analogues like Octreotide, Sandostatin and Longastatin. The undersigned, for the large number of patients to be followed and scientific commitments has very narrow margins of time and has no chance to do medico-legal examinations, appeals, reports, bureaucratic procedures, certifications etc.

Duration of therapy: It is not possible to preset a cure period the duration of which is related to the response to the DBM.

Self-management by patients or changes to the DBM by doctors who do not have experience or in-depth knowledge of the DBM may cause serious harm, often not recoverable and irreversible.

As long as the neoplastic disease in ongoing the treatment should be continued with any variations made by the undersigned based on the outcome and blood chemical and instrumental diagnostics. If you get the complete remission, the elimination of all symptoms caused by the neoplastic disease and with all the diagnostics exams it is ascertained and documented the absence of cancer, the treatment will not be abruptly interrupted, but gradually reduced under strict control of the undersigned. It is important to insist on this concept and emphasize it most clearly: when you get full and stable healing, the treatment not be interrupted absolutely, but is to be planned by the doctor who administers the DBM, a gradual and slow reduction under careful supervision, with monitoring of all blood chemical and instrumental parameters. When it is ascertained and documented the stability of the complete healing and somatostatin and the other components of the DBM have gradually been suspended, you permanently leave a spoonful of the compound of retinoids in the morning with Atiten and some pills of Melatonin at night that everyone theoretically should take to implement an effective and scientifically documented prevention of tumors.



The therapy is home-based. The medicines administration is mainly orally except for the somatostatin (analogue to octeoctride) which should be dosed through a timed syringe under the skin. On the contrary, the octeoctride (commercial name Sandostatine or Longastatine LAR), in its packagings at slow release and with long-term effect are to be dosed intramuscularly. Other medicines to be dosed by injection may become necessary under certain circumstances.

The DBM (Di Bella Method) is composed either by Medicines produced by the Pharmaceutical Industry and available in any pharmacy or "galenics", prepared by pharmacists, called "preparing pharmacists", which have laboratories, specially equipped in order to produce and pack medicines, which can be normally prescribed by a doctor, otherwise not available or available at very high prices. We indicate specialized pharmacies which gathered experience in the preparations of the DBM (Di Bella Method) galenics which used to cooperate directly with its founder Professor Luigi Di Bella and or attending at conventions about DBM or received direct and detailed instructions by the Professor Di Bella.

A perfect preparation is difficult and complex and it needs a profound knowledge and a wide pharmaceutical knowledge along with the availability of a specially equipped laboratories. From time to time we perform a random check on sampled pharmacies thanks to tests lead by qualified Chemical Institute and one Italian University. Those pharmacies must have at disposal systems of lyophilization, systems of nitrogen cylinders, mixers of viscous liquids, micronisers for Retinoic Acid (ATRA), pressing machine at high pressure, machines for blistering and for the preparation of injectable molecules and must have a sterilized room and so on!

The DBM galenics are: Retinoic Solution (Axerophthol palmitate; All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA); beta-Carotene; alpha tocopheryl acetate) and biological DBM Melatonin  (the Melatonin has a chemical bond with Adenosine and Glycine). These galenics were created by Professor Luigi Di Bella by combining biological molecules to biochemical features and with the ratios in order to exalt the anti-cancer, immunostimulant and anti-degenerative effects. If packed and dosed according to Professor Di Bella instructions, they do not have toxic effects even for dosing which lasts over the years. These galinics must be prepared strictly ensuring the following criteria:

  1. Using only the most pure substances, which have controlled quality;
  2. Strictly following the preparation standards codified by Professor Di Bella;
  3. Having at disposal adequate rooms and equipment.

The quality of the medicines is obviously very important in order to obtain an optimal therapeutic response! A preparation which in any way does not meet the DBM standards and a wrong dosing (as it occurred during the pseudo-experimentation in 1998) clearly compromise the results!



  • DBM Retinoic Solution: away from light and warm sources. Never in the fridge;
  • Atiten (vitamin D3) drops: in the fridge the boxes still closed. Must be dosed along with the Retinoic Solution;
  • DBM Melatonin: away from the light, better if in the fridge;
  • Somatostatin: temperature below  25°. During summer in the fridge;
  • Octreotide: always in the fridge. Both somatostatin and octreotide must be preferably taken off the fridge 2/3 hours before the usage;
  • Octreotide LAR (octreotide at slow release). In the fridge. Must be preferably taken off the fridge 2/3 hours before the usage;
  • Synacthen: always in the fridge;
  • Myelostim (or analogue): always in the fridge;
  • Eprex (or analogue): always in the fridge;
  • Beriglobin (or analogue): always in the fridge;
  • Proleukin 18M: always in the fridge.

For the other medicines, must be followed the instructions available in their packages.



It is basic to literally follow the detailed indications provided in the therapy prescription:

  • Retinoic Solution: must be taken always and only with empty stomach. Therefore it means that it is necessary not to have swallowed solid food up to three hours before the dosing and at least 15-20 minutes after it. The taste is not bad, in any case it is possible to drink a sip of water (only mineral and preferably sparkling) or very liquid fruit juices, totally excluding those containing citric acid (like lemonades, grapefruit juice, cedrates and harsh orangeade);
  • Along with the Retinoic Solution in the same plastic spoon it is to be dosed Atiten by adding the prescribed drops. If, as it very often happens, the Retinoic Solution must be dosed 2 or 3 times a day, the Atiten must be dosed accordingly;
  • Inhibitors of prolactin (Bromocriptine: speciality Parlodel and/or Cabergoline: speciality Dostinex): always during or after the meal. Very seldom at the beginning of the therapy they might get nausea to very sensitive individuals, which gradually disappear;
  • Vitamin C (pure ascorbic acid or speciality indicated by the DBM doctor): always with full stomach. At the beginning a litlle bit and gradually up to half a tea(coffe)spoon if tolerated;
  • Calcium (speciality Calcium Sandoz): always during or after a meal.



The DBM does not use toxic active ingredients or which cause damage to the body, especially in the indicated doses, as it is the Biological Therapy for antonomasia. In spite of this, for reasons different from the toxic valency, especially during the very first period of the therapy, some side effects may appear, which gradually disappear after some time.

The medicines which may cause side effects are:

  1. Somatostatin and/or octreotide (the one which must be dosed on a daily bases with slow release through a timed syringe);
  2. Parlodel (Bromocriptine) and Dostinex (Cabergoline) but in less cases;
  3. Anti-extrogen/aromatase inhibitors (in case of breast or prostate cancer);
  4. Calcium (and sometimes Vitamin C/Ascorbic acid).

The DBM doctor usually indicates detailed standards in order to avoid problems.

These notes are meant to help those who first approach the therapy and might get questions:

  1. Somatostatin / Octreotide: if the recommended cautions are not properly followed, nausea, various intestinal disorder, aerophagia or bothering feeling of fullness may arise;

    A) In order to avoid what it is above described it is highly recommended to have a light dinner in terms of quality and quantity, the most possible dry (see below in the text food recommendations). 3 hours must pass between the meal and the beginning of the somatostatin infusion;

    B) It is necessary to start with the dosing indicated in the prescription (usually 1 mg for the somatostatin) gradually up to up and running therapy with 3 mg for the somatostatin and 1 mg for the octeoctride to be dosed at slow release through the timed syringe;

    C) It is necessary to remember that, in order to avoid any inconvenience, three basic rules must be followed: 3 hours must occur between the meal and the beginning of the somatostatin or octeoctride dosing – the lasting of the infusion which must be regulated to 12 hours at the beginning and than to 11 or 10 hours down to not less than 9 hours.

    If it is necessary to get an anti-nausea, Zofran is recommended as other emetics counteract with the action of Bromocriptine and Cabergoline and increasing Prolactine, an hormon interactive with the growth hormone to increase the cancer growth;

    D) Octreotide at slow release (commercially is available Sandostatine or Longastatine LAR): as before stated, it is octreotide to be injected intramuscularly instead of the daily basis, according to the frequency and doses prescribed by the DBM doctor. Normally the Octoctride LAR does not cause any inconvenience. For any further detail it is enough to follow the instructions listed inside the packaging and/or asking to an very expert nurse and to read these instructions: use of Octreotide LAR.

  2. Inhibitors of prolactine. Parlodel needs a gradual adaptation which occurs through increasing doses, as indicated in the prescription, in order to allow the body to get used to it.

    The Dostinex (which normally is prescribed ½ pill twice per week), normally does not cause any inconvenience. In most of the cases both medicines are needed for the therapy;

  3. Calcium Sandoz: besides the assumption with full stomach, it is necessary to follow the exact increasing doses prescribed. The tolerability to high doses depends on each single patient;
  4. Vitamin C / Ascorbic acid: it must be remembered that it needs to be melt uniquely in mineral water and not in the water from the tap, even if filtered. In fact the chlorine normally inside this kind of water would damage the pharmacological action of the medicine. It must be taken during the meal or right after in order to avoid problems and with a gradual dosing.

    We remind you also that it is mandatory to use plastic spoons and little spoons. A plastic little spoon contains 2-2,5 mg of Ascorbic Acid. The choice of the speciality (we highly recommend to use ONLY pharmaceutical products and NOT the ones produced by para pharmacies or herbalist's shops); on top this choice of pure substances allow money savings. Some may tolerate one better than the other.

  5. Melatonin: always keep in mind that DBM Melatonin is very different from the one easily available at the pharmacies or para pharmacies or at herbalist's shops with various formulas. Indeed the DBM Melatonin is a formula melatonine-adenosina-glycine which allows a better bioavailability and the most effective anticancer response and must be bought only by specific pharmacists provided with freeze-drying machines, pressing machine at high pressure and machines for blistering, just like the Retinoic Solution special equipment are needed.

    The common Melatonina (not DBM!) it is not solvable in the water and it is an obstacle to bioavailability. The DBM Melatonin can be easily melt into the water (apart from very little and not significant residues, mainly due to the excipients). The DBM Melatonine perfectly prepared should be solvable into water. The packaging must be only in blisters in order to store it and save it from degradation and oxidation (unless a lyophilized Melatonine in small bottles and to be diluted with physiological solution and to be taken horally). The Melatonine is fully non toxic and has no side effect. The only symptom which may be felt at the very beginning is drowsiness, which than disappear.



ESSENTIALS ON THE AUTOMATED SYRINGE PUMP: what it is, how it works, why it is used, how much it costs, where to find it

The automated syringe pump is a small device that pushes the piston of a 10 ml syringe (filled with somatostatin or normal octreotide, and physiological solution) for the time being set. Basically, a tiny motor is run for the desired time, ranging between eight and twelve hours, starting in the evening (as said, two hours and a half/three after the end of dinner) and running while sleeping. Supplied with the syringe pump there should be a little bag to be fastened at the chest with a cloth belt.



Butterfly Needle G25 Short (60cm kink-resistant tube)


Of course it is necessary to stock up an adequate quantity of "winged needles" (see Butterfly-G25 figure) 10 mm long, attached by a tiny tube to the syringe nozzle.

The operating manual is usually included in the package (for details, see also the detailed description available at: ___insert link___)

The use of the automated syringe pump is indispensable:

  1. To allow the gradual and optimal absorption of somatostatin (or octreotide) during the night, the period during which it is produced in our body, in much higher percentage, the GH, the growth hormone, the main responsible for the development of the tumor mass;
  2. In order to avoid adverse symptoms. In the absence of automated syringe pump, the patient would experience acute symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, uncontrollable nausea). During the 1998 DBM ministerial trial, in the majority of patients they did not use the automated syringe pump, instead they directly injected somatostatin nullifying its effect and debiting as DBM toxicity the symptoms of nausea and vomiting caused by the incorrect administration;
  3. Some patients, concerned about the high cost of LAR, believe that they cannot afford the cost of the treatment, and give up. Somatostatin, injected with automated syringe pump, is effective and sufficient; the use of LAR is useful, but not essential, as it accelerates and enhances the therapeutic response. It has character of necessity, in association with somatostatin only in specific pathologies and in certain stages, and often only for 4-5 months. In conclusion, many healed completely just with somatostatin. Being able to bear the expense, and associating for periods of a few months "somatostatin + LAR" especially at the beginning, you may have more rapid responses. The retail price of the usually recommended somatostatin (currently Hikma, national production) is 14,90 € per maximum daily dose (some pharmacists make discounts that bring the price to 12-13 €). The package includes 3 vials of 1 mg. So the daily cost at the maximum dosage (3 mg.) is between 12 and 13 € (360 € monthly);

Octreotide LAR has a considerably higher cost, although there is an important alternative to contain it (see below). About the specialties, there are two analogous drugs: Sandostatin (Novartis) and Longastatin (Italfarmaco). The price is the same.

Octreotide for infusion by timed syringe (not intramuscular LAR): pack of 1 mg (maximum daily dose) € 105.22 (discountable at the pharmacy); pack of 3 vials of 0.5 mg € 180.10. You can count on significant savings by ordering octreotide for infusion by timed syringe to a specialized pharmacy in Rome (equipped with lyophilization plant, vials making and sterile chamber) well-equipped, which purchases the pure active substance from the chemical manufacturer of the pure substance and makes it available to patients at prices far lower (about half). The pharmacy is Farmacia Crimi, Piazza Bologna, 19-20, Rome, Tel. 06/ or 06/, that ships to domicile upon acquisition of the prescription.

Octreotide Lar for intramuscular use 10mg €786.64 (discount up to €629); Lar 20mg: €1,355.95; Lar 30mg: €1,761.93. During the first period of "attack" of the therapy the doctor will advise you about what dosage of Lar may be sufficient to use.


Use of octreotide - somatostatin of 8 amino acids - LAR (Long-Acting Release)

(Keep the product in the refrigerator!)

The product is a somatostatin analogue composed of eight amino acids, also present in the blood, which inhibits the production of growth hormone (known as somatotropin or GH). This hormone is the main responsible of both our growth, from childhood to adulthood, and that of the tumor.

It is also essential for the activation of other powerful and ubiquitous tumor growth factors such as EGF, epidermal growth factor, VEGF, vascular, IGF1 insulin-like etc. Therefore, the inhibition of GH, mitogenic factor and potentially inducer of cancer, meets a clearly logical criterion, well documented in literature, supported by with clinical and experimental findings.

Failure to use (except in rare exceptions) of this antitumoral molecule of the DBM is a serious rupture between scientific evidence and clinical oncology practice, which rules it out.

It can be used to strengthen the action of somatostatin (14 amino acids) to be injected subcutaneously in the evening, 3 hours after dinner with timed syringe, or as alternative to somatostatin.

Since the product is of slow release, it can easily solidify if not diluted properly. The packages of 10 mg cover between 7 and 10 days, those of 20 mg between 16 and 20 days, those of 30 mg from 25 to 28 days. It is prepared to be gradually diluted in the blood, slowly releasing the active ingredient. For this reason, if the preparation does not carefully follow the included instructions, the syringe may tend to get easily stuck during the injection or the product to solidify in the course of preparation. Therefore, we urge you to repeatedly read and carefully follow the following instructions:

  1. The product should be removed from the refrigerator at least 15-20 minutes before use to allow the syringe and the solvent to reach room temperature. After removing the protection capsule from the phial of LAR, gently tap the bottom of the bottle on a hard surface to settle the whole product to the bottom of the phial;
  2. Remove the protective cap from the syringe containing the solvent. Insert a needle on the syringe;
  3. Disinfect the rubber stopper with cotton and alcohol then introduce the needle through the center of the rubber stopper;
  4. Slowly inject the solvent into the bottle, making it pour slowly down the side without moving the powder. Do not directly inject the solvent in the powder. Remove the needle from the phial;
  5. Do not shake the bottle until the solvent has not soaked all of the powder (after about 2-5 minutes). Without overturning the bottle, check the powder on the walls and bottom of the phial. If dry spots persist, allow the solvent to wet the powder without shaking;
  6. Once the solvent has evenly soaked the powder, shake the bottle with moderate circular movements for about 30-60 seconds, until you get a uniform and milky suspension. Do not shake excessively as this may cause flocculation of the suspension and make it unusable!
  7. Immediately reinsert the needle into the rubber stopper and placing the phial on a hard surface at an angle of about 45', slowly draw the content of the bottle into the syringe. Do not capsize the bottle when filling the syringe as it may affect the quantity drawn. It is normal for a small amount of suspension to remain on the walls and bottom of the bottle. This is a calculated excess;
  8. Immediately replace the needle so far used with the other one included in the package;
  9. The product must be administered immediately after the preparation of the suspension. Slowly turn the syringe upside down in order to maintain a uniform suspension. Purge the syringe of any air!
  10. Disinfect the injection site with an alcohol swab. Slowly and with constant pressure perform a deep intramuscular injection in the right or left gluteal, after having drawn to make sure you are not in a blood vessel. If the needle gets clogged, insert a new needle of the same diameter [1.1 mm, gauge 19]. The LAR must only be administered by deep intramuscular injection and never intravenously. In case of accidental involvement of a blood vessel, insert a new needle and change the injection site.


Some dietary advice

Nowadays there is abundance of dispensers of dietary suggestions, much more categoric as less competent.

In general, the cancer patient must strive as much as possible to protect the fundamental hepatic and gastro-intestinal functionality, often damaged by previous toxic therapies or previous anomalies.

Prof. Luigi Di Bella used to recommend each patient a diet tailored on their personal situation. From our side we can only recall a few tips, generalized and of great profile.

  • Privilege proteins from fish and from legumes (the latter in the form of puree, in case of intolerance) compared to those of meat;
  • Have an "Italian" breakfast (milk and coffee, tea etc.), even resorting to toast instead of biscuits and avoiding dipping it, but alternating a bite and a sip (the goal is to avoid excessive food bolus and, therefore, a more strenuous digestive labor);
  • Avoid as much as possible: sausages, cooked fats, butter, spicy foods, alcohol, fried foods, sweets, chocolate. Intransigence must be absolute in the case of liver disorders;
  • Avoid the "fashion", today persistently followed, of drinking without a natural urge to do so. It would put unnecessarily strain on the kidneys;
  • Avoid as much as possible drinking during meals, but do it some time before and after;
  • In particular, those who are suffering from gastro-intestinal problems, would do well consuming "dry" food avoiding the watery ones.

Along with the above, can succor - if recommended by the prescribing physician - some harmless drug aid. In particular it should be noted that a gut in order greatly reduces the likelihood of adverse events related to the administration of somatostatin and other drugs of the DBM. It may be useful "to keep at home" fresh milk enzymes (those for refrigerator) and Clioquinol, powerful and well tolerated intestinal disinfectant. Even the seemingly banal yeast (cubes from the supermarket - ½ cube dissolved in a few fingers of lightly sugared water on an empty stomach - or fresh baker's yeast) can give a great contribution to an adequate intestinal flora.

We also remember - although it is a thing related to other issues – that the use of Lysozyme (available in pharmacies as a specialty or as galenic at the preparer pharmacists) can be invaluable as preventive measure in periods at higher risk of viral infection (colds, seasonal influences etc.). The drug is completely free of side effects.


Lastly: some advice of a general nature

  • The prescription is to be followed immediately, because timing is an extra drug. If certain drugs are not immediately available, begin with what you have;
  • The prescription comes from a long experience and complex scientific and medical logics no drug is given "at random" and superficially, but it has a very specific reason for its use. The habit not uncommon, to change the dosage indicated, by other physicians without the knowledge and experience on the DBM should be avoided, as this could cause damages not always reversible. A word of advice proved particularly useful. At first it is not difficult to make some confusion among the many medicines to take, their method of administration, the recommended period, the procedures (on an empty stomach or full). Then it is good to prepare a daily scheme, beginning in the morning and ending in the evening, with the list of medicinal products divided according to time of the day and notes as reminder of the procedures. Keeping it at hand, or hanging (as many do) in the living room, you will avoid misunderstandings and will follow the treatment with greater psychological tranquility;
  • It is not unusual that the patient, in its understandable anxiety, tend to ascribe all unpleasant feelings or sickness to the therapy or to some medication. Almost always it is not the case. The patient being treated, like any human being, is subject to seasonal diseases, digestive disorders, etc., as well as problems related to therapies followed in the past. It is good to keep it always in mind, to avoid erroneous conclusions and dangerous suspensions of drugs!
  • We turn to a cure and the doctor who prescribes it based on personal meditated choices. Few are the doctors that can prescribe the correct Di Bella Method and increasing is its demand. The therapy should not be intended as a "try on", but should be followed with propriety towards those who dedicate their time and their attention to the patient. To the respect and loyalty of the doctor towards his patient, must correspond respect and loyalty of the patient towards the doctor. If there is no convinced trust in this approach it is more correct to give it up;
  • The results, in the case of biological therapy, require an adequate amount of time, which varies according to pathology, staging, past treatments, subjective situation. Initially, the therapy aims to slow down and stop the growth (creating at the same time, it is intended, the conditions to undermine the activity and the presence of the disease). After an initial phase of adaptation - this too varying – the first sign perceptible is constituted by a feeling of lesser malaise-better wellness. It is illogical to think that we can detect blatant signs of response within 1-2 months;
  • In the event that, especially when living far away, you are followed by another doctor (who practice the therapy or family doctor who adopted it), the primary role of the latter should be to comply with the prescription made​​, consulting with the undersigned if necessary;
  • You should always keep in mind that the DBM is often thwarted. Especially on the occasion of diagnostic checks (tests, CT scan, MRI, PET, Ultrasound etc.) often the patient is asked what therapy is being followed. It is good to be cautious (even at the cost of being reticent... ), as often very unpleasant situations have occurred: illicit psychological pressures to leave the path undertaken, stuffed frequently of disinformation and even medical reports which do not always reflect the objectivity of the "images". If in doubt, it may be appropriate to examine copies of images from other healthcare institutions, which is the patient's right. Especially when the patient is experiencing clear signs of improvement and the report is antithetical and registers the progression of the disease it is good to verify them. Finally, experience shows that it is important to have a family doctor who - at least - respects the choice of treatment of the patient. If you encounter hostility and unwillingness to prescribe reimbursable medicines, you should think of finding another doctor that would collaborate.


Published on Thursday, 04 April 2013

Biography and curriculum of Prof. Luigi Di Bella.

Written by Adolfo Di Bella



 As per homage published on Neuroendocrinology Letters Volume 28 Issue 3, 2007


Luigi Di Bella was born on Jul. 17, 1912 at Linguaglossa, a small Sicilian village near Catania. So poor was his family that, after completing his secondary education, it was only by virtue of the several scholarships he had won that he could attend the faculty of Medicine at the University of Messina. He was noted and sought as an intern by Prof. Pietro Tullio, Medicine Nobel prize candidate 1930 and 1932. At age nineteen, Luigi Di Bella associated his name to his master´s in their first joint paper, and prior to graduating in 1936, he had already published 9 works and won four national contests.

During the Autumn of 1936, he initiated teaching physiology and biochemistry at the University of Parma. In 1937 he was presented with a scholarship by the acclaimed scientist Guglielmo Marconi, then president of CNR (National Research Council). In 1938 he earned his second University degree, in Pharmacology, and the third one, in Chemistry.

With the rank of medical captain, he set off for Greece, where he was in charge of a Military Hospital. He was indefatigable in caring for the patients in his charge. So much so that he was eventually overwhelmed by the strain and, in 1943, sick with malaria and a severe hepatitis, he had to be discharged. After a brief convalescence, Luigi Di Bella resumed teaching and researching at the University of Modena and had several scientific works published. In the period 1937 through 1948 his name appears on as many as thirty-five papers, a number of which were based on his studies of aneurine, retinoids, ascorbic acid and on his research on hypothalamus and pituitary gland functions. In 1948 he won the Human Physiology and Biochemistry professorships. Having to endure hindrance and rivalries in his research effort, he personally designed a private laboratory and went ahead with its construction, occasionally assisted by a few labourers. From 1951 onwards much research work was carried out in this "Private Laboratory of Physiology". In 1969, after thirty years of research, Luigi Di Bella communicated to a national congress (SIBS) his first findings pointing to an innovative therapy of haematological pathologies, which he went on to practice with the collaboration of Prof. Edoardo Storti, a prominent haematologist.

In December 1973, by invitation of clinical pathologist Domenico Campanacci, he referred to the Society for Medicine and Surgery of Bologna, Italy, on the results of his therapeutic approach, which were more extensively illustrated during the XXVI IUPS Congress 1974 in New Delhi. At the I EPSG Congress of Amsterdam, 1978, he presented a paper (Perspectives in Pineal Function. Prog Brain Res. 1979; 52: 475-478) outlining the rationale of his Method. He further explained his therapeutic proposal in 1980 at the International Symposium on Melatonin in Bremen; at the II International Symposium of Somatostatin 1981 in Athens (Somatostatin in cancer therapy); in 1987 at the Tübingen International Workshop (Melatonin in thrombocytogenesis. Gupta et al editors 1988 p.183-194) - where he met Prof. Derek Gupta.

He coined the definition "Biological Therapy of Tumours", as opposed to the conventional cyto-toxic, cyto-reductive, tumour-focused treatments. Meanwhile, he continued to examine and treat, always free of charge, literally thousands of patients. In recognition of this professional and ethical endeavour, in January 1990 he was awarded the "Goodness Prize" by the top magistrate in Modena. When he retired from his academic activity, after teaching for forty-six-years, Luigi Di Bella continued to research at his "Private Laboratory of Physiology" in Modena".

In 1996 he attained a vast fame, which he neither craved nor enjoyed, leading to his treatment of tumours (MDB - Di Bella Method, main components of which are: Somatostatin, Retinoids, Vitamin E, Vitamin D3, Melatonin, Bromocriptine) undergoing nationwide clinical trials in 1998. As a result, the Italian health authorities decreed that the MDB was not effective, although the criteria of the trials were deemed questionable by several observers (Müllner M, BMJ.1999;318(7178):208-209).

The last months of his lifetime were marked by intense suffering, that however did not prevent him from either attending to the sick or continuing his research work, as testified by the publication of his last paper (Med Sci Monit.2002;8(12):BR 527-431. Melatonin effects on megakariocyte membrane patch-clamp outward K+ current). His heart ceased to beat on July 1, 2003. His gravesite at Fanano, a small hill town in the Appennines near Modena, has seen a continuous stream of mourners, whether former patients or simple well-wishers. A posthumous review has recently been published by this very journal (Neuroendocrinology Letters, Volume 27, n. 4, 2006 425-432. "Key aspects of melatonin physiology: Thirty years of research"). On dec. 12, 2006 the Linguaglossa City Council dedicated a square of the town to Luigi Di Bella and laid a commemorative plaque on his birthplace.



 Fr Alessandro Pronzato's memory of Luigi Di Bella

Preface to the official biography book: "The poet of science"

I think we should thank the Lord for having gifted us of a creature like this and then, although experiencing the loss, the void he left, I want gratitude and astonishment to prevail, because there are still such men among us, that have left us something that does not disappear, a track that becomes indelible.

Not that I have had frequent contacts with Professor Di Bella. But all it took was a meeting in his laboratory. And it was a meeting that marked me deeply, deeply impressed me. In life one meets many people, but few that will mark you inside. Professor Di Bella is one of those people who, once encountered, you just can not forget.

On the other hand, I've been lucky enough to be a friend of one of his disciples, one of his trusted collaborator, Dr. Minuscoli, who habitually reported to me and kept me informed on him and on his vicissitudes. But I think it's fair that I, on the occasion of the publication of his biography, say what I feel, what I felt, what has always struck me about him. I met a man, a real man, an authentic man. I dare say a unique man. His modesty, his reserve, could not conceal the extraordinary humanity and I think the key figure to read the existence of Professor Di Bella is precisely that of humanity. I remember when he spoke of some children suffering from leukemia and was going to get on the shelves of his library that particular text: instead of the bookmark was a picture of the child, and he looked at the child with an intense emotion. There was no medical record, there was the case: there was a person. This was his humanity. A righteous man, with different characteristics: I would say, first of all, a clean man. His white hair was the outward sign of that cleanliness, interior cleanliness, cleanliness of the person, a loyal person, honest, sincere. Professor Di Bella was a stranger to ambiguity, to compromises, to cunnings, to plots, to games of power. And then, a man who I would say, never betrayed the child in him. I saw Luigi Di Bella as an old man, mature, but at the same time I caught also the child in his person, the naivete of the child, the spontaneity of the child. I would almost say that air a bit naughty that he had, and I was pleased to discover, in the portrait biography written by his son, that in his childhood, in Pellegrino, he served Mass and enjoyed going out of the norm: having in hand the bell, he enjoyed playing it and make people sit down and stand up when he wanted, not when it was time. Therefore, the altar boy but also the altar server a bit 'brat.

And his son Adolfo says a wonderful thing: "Genius is nothing but the coexistence of a child and an adult by the mighty mind." This pair, that seems almost contradictory: "in that tabernacle which is the heart of the child, there is always an angel." I do not think you could say it better. Another aspect: a man who experienced the harshness of life, discovered his life, experienced life from childhood in its hard feeling. He suffered the hunger, suffered privations, at the family level, and no lack of evidence from the very beginning of its existence. So I would say a genius, certainly, and I use that word safely. A genius, but who has always paid a high price at the counter of sacrifice. Today many people delude themselves into thinking of achieving certain goals dodging the door of the sacrifice, instead you can not avoid sacrifice, renunciation, the hardness of life. I said: hunger, poverty, deprivation of every kind, study, study hard, since the years of middle school, high school, university. I like reading his expression: he used to say that "he studied, that one must study with love, ... and with enjoyment," and then used to add, "even angry". So, a gift - and he certainly has received an extraordinary gift - but also commitment. And I would like to recall one episode, a scene that I can not get out of my mind: when, in the early high school years, not having the possibility to pay for the books, he used to borrow them from classmates, and he used to go out at night, because at home it was necessary not to consume too much oil: he would sit under the street lamp of the public road to read and study. So it is understandable that his great qualities were always accompanied by an undertaking, even if these gifts of his made him forge ahead. When he went to high school, had to face a difficulty: he had not studied Latin. so he at school, getting lessons from the village priest, in two months he studied Latin and in two months he did the curriculum which, normally, takes three years.And at the exam he got a famous Latinist professor, who, astonished at the extraordinary ability of this student, at the end congratulated him and shook his hand, but was stunned when Luigi, quite simply, told him that he had studied Latin in two months. Then the professor took the head in his hands, remained for some moments bewildered, almost in disbelief at that revelation.

How much work did he put in it, to get that allowance of five thousand lire? Which allowed him to do the university studies and that he went to Rome to collect, directly from the head of government of the time, and on his way back he kept the hands in his pockets for fear that someone could steal that check of five thousand lire. It was the result of a relentless study, even eighteen hours a day.

And then let's not be surprised that at the age of nineteen he publishes his first scientific work, his signature next to the signature of who was then the most prestigious professor of physiology, Pietro Tullio. But all that has not prevented him during his life from always cultivating the study, the retraining, the in-depth examination.

When I was in his laboratory I saw the lectern standing in the center and asked him, "Professor what use is that desk?", He simply replied, "... eh, during the night hours I read and study, and I really read these books : they are not here for furnishing ...... standing up I don't fall asleep. "This at the age of eighty. And then I remember the words of a great novelist of our time, Garcia Marquez, who said: "genius is made for three per cent of inspiration and ninety seven percent of perspiration." In Professor Di Bella there was certainly all of that. There was the inspiration, but there was the fatigue, work, perspiration, sweat. A man who was also a poet, as well as a scientist. I love that his son Adolfo entitle the biography "The Poet of Science". He has made an astonishing synthesis of right, beautiful and good. We are led to separate these three dimensions, truth, beauty, goodness, Professor Di Bella has created a synthesis. So he invited us to discover the beauty of goodness - I quote again the son - and the goodness of beauty. Furthermore: a pensive man, capable of sudden flashes, swift intuitions, making him go where the average person comes after months maybe, but above all able of concentration. And if there's an image - among many - for me unforgettable, it is this: his study, his friend Dr. Minuscoli submitting to his attention the leaflet of a drug on which he requested his opinion, and I could see the scientist completely alienate, to become as absent, focusing on those data which in his mind he elaborated in a chemical formula, before giving a judgment. But what impressed me was this capacity for deep concentration, I would also add, a solitary man. This aspect of solitude he has created since childhood, adolescence, early adulthood; and is a dimension that he realized even later. A little he felt isolated from others, but many times was he himself who loved and sought solitude. I would do a juxtaposition: the prophets, like Jeremiah, saying, "seized from His hand, sat lonely." To accomplish great things in life, you have to love the solitude. We should not - Jeremiah said - sit in the brigades of jokers. Lonely and then capable of beating, indeed, of inventing, new roads, ahead of the others. And who knows when the others will get there! And above all, a man against the trend, out of phase (in a sense) with respect to its own time, the common mentality.

Professor Di Bella was a resister against progressive barbarization. There are two French researchers who have written a really worrying book "Small steps toward barbarism", where they_ document that we, beyond the word "progress", of which we fill our mouths, in fact we are coming in small steps without realizing it, toward barbarism. Luigi Di Bella has been a resister, against the general flattening, against the corrupting money. Resistant because free. Resistant because not tied to any wagon, no coterie. And I would say that he was also an unconventional, in the sense that he constantly rebelled against the iron law of "everybody does it". And he, even without the need for declaring it (but he made it understood) ... "I'm out!" Transgression meant for him to act out of step with the route followed by most, oppose with his own testimony, paid at high price, against the rampant immorality, not to enlist under the banner of cowardice masquerading as cleverness. And I also like to recall this aspect of his personality: a man who gave weight to the words. Me, I'm a journalist by trade, writer, and then handling the words with a certain nonchalance, in front of him I felt intimidated because I realized that I had before me a man who weighed his words, not talking nonsense. All he said was something thought, something weighed. So I am not surprised that he came out in this sentence which is all a program: "we must give the words the meaning they have." I believe that today one of the sins - dare I say - unforgivable in our society, is just the lack of respect for words. Words that are prostituted, which are made to say what one wants, words that no longer have a meaning, that lose their meaning.This, allow me, is also a deeply biblical aspect. But I can not neglect to point out also a disease which affected Prof. Di Bella, an incurable disease: he was allergic to money, to the perfume, irresistible for many, of money. Luigi Di Bella was not heretic for his theories, for his famous protocol, he was heretic because he dared to say 'money does not interest me', '' from my patients I have never taken a penny. This is his heresy. He used to say it, I have also heard many times Dr. Minuscoli saying it. Normally when someone says he is not interested in money, in reality he is very interested. Prof. Di Bella wasn't. Prof. Di Bella was interested in the welfare of others, was interested in healing, interested in giving hope, revive people. I am firmly convinced: a man who was on the right path because walked on a real Via Crucis made of low blows, humiliations, misunderstandings, assorted malice; because it was targeted by vicious jealousies, petty and vulgar attacks , and precisely for that, when I saw and heard that, certainly it saddened me, but I felt comforted thinking: 'He is on the right track. "Certainly someone must have asked him - and I myself asked him - "but who makes you do it?". He never answered. I have a psychiatrist friend, who gave an answer that I think Professor Di Bella would have fully shared, "it just so happens that the man who makes me do it is myself." One begins to be consistent and authentic when the "who makes me do it" is he himself, is his conscience, his sense of responsibility.

There would be many other things to say, but to talk about the Professor means touching a mine from which we could draw countless treasures. As a priest, I want to express my consciousness, that awareness derived from the encounter with him and also from the story that made me his friend. He was a man who made you feel the passage of God, and not only when talking about the brain, the mysterious mechanisms of the brain: his person too gave you that sense of God. A writer of our time said that when we meet men like him, we do not realize that God just passed beside us, because we walked beside the man: but God and that man are one. That's why I feel the need to thank the Lord for having given him to us and thank him for being what he was and having done what he did.


Fr Alessandro Pronzato (from Official Blog "Di Bella Insieme")



 Telegram of condolence sent by tenor Luciano Pavarotti to the Di Bella family

on the occasion of the death of Prof. Luigi Di Bella

"I feel very close to you in this time of sorrow for the loss of beloved Luigi, of whom I have always admired valor, professionalism, dedication to work and tenacity in continuing his mission always with courage, despite having to overcome obstacles and impervious paths. The medical world has lost a unique figure that will always be for me the only real winner of the Nobel prize."



 A list of the scientist's published works


  1. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella: "Neuromuscular excitation using variable electric fields ", of the"". Bull. SIBS, Vol. VII, fasc. 7, 1932;
  2. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella : "Comparative research on chemical and electrical stimulation of the skin and nerves that lead to it" Bull. S.I.B.S., 1932, 7, 859-90;
  3. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella: "On a singular phenomenon of excitation neuro-muscular". Bull. S.I.B.S., 1932, 7, 290-1;
  4. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella: "Comparative research on the thermal stimulation of the skin and nerves that lead to it". Bull. S.I.B.S., 1933, 7, 347-9;
  5. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella: "Comparative research on the chemical stimulation of the skin and nerves that lead to it". Arch. Sc. Biol., 1933, 18, 515-40;
  6. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella: "Punctiform excitation of the nerve centers of the frog by varying electric fields". Bull. S.I.B.S., 1934, 9, 19-22;
  7. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella: "Researches above the excitation of the filaments and of the nerve centers by varying electric fields". Riv. Pat. Nerv. e mentale, 1934, 42, 673-98;
  8. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella: "Comparative research on chemical stimulation of the skin and nerves". Arch. It. Biol., 1934, 91, 123-38;
  9. Prof. Pietro Tullio and L. Di Bella: "New processes to completely fill the lobes of the lung with opaque liquids, non-absorbable and medicated". Bull. S.I.B.S., 1934, 9, 15-18;
  10. Luigi Di Bella: "Importance of moisture in poisoning with CO2 and with illuminating gas in mice." Bull. S.I.B.S., 1935, 10, 14-5";
  11. Luigi Di Bella: "Toxicity of CO2, H2S and illuminating gas in wet and dry environment". Arch. Fisiol., 1937, 37, 291-318;
  12. Luigi Di Bella: "About direct and indirect Galvanic stimulation of the individual parts of the acoustic labyrinth before and after cocainization". Bull. S.I.B.S., 1937, 12, 384-6;
  13. Luigi Di Bella: "Influence of the Prolan on metabolism of calcium in frogs". Bull. S.I.B.S., 1937, 12, 386-7;
  14. Luigi Di Bella: "Research on the specific renal toxic substance". Bull. S.I.B.S., 1939, 14. 726-8;
  15. Luigi Di Bella: "Intercorrelations between carotene and thyroid in the growth of rats" (Bull. S.I.B.S., 1939, 14, 726-8 e Arch. Sc. Biol., 1940, 26, 469-92);
  16. Luigi Di Bella: "About hyperglycemia consecutive to administration of dietary fat via parenteral". Bull. Soc. Med. Chir., Modena, 1940, 40, 207-9;
  17. Luigi Di Bella: "New devices for the determination of glucose in amount of blood of less than 0.1 ml.". c.s., 1940, 40, 201-7;
  18. Luigi Di Bella: "Aneurine action on isolated intestines of normal rat and in avitaminosis B1." Bull. S.I.B.S., 1941, 16, 226 e 1941, 41, 320-51;
  19. Luigi Di Bella: "Carotene action on blood glucose in different animals." Bull. S.I.B.S., 1941, 16, 351-2;
  20. Luigi Di Bella: "Action of vitamin A on blood glucose in different animals". 1941, 16, 352;
  21. Luigi Di Bella: "Action of carotene and vitamin A on blood glucose of stiroided rats." Bull. S.I.B.S., 1941, 16, 353;
  22. Luigi Di Bella: "Relationships of carotene and vitamin A with glucose in various animals". Bull. Soc. Med. Chir., Modena, 1941, 41, 185-95;
  23. Luigi Di Bella: "Action of carotene and vitamin A on blood glucose of stiroided rats." Bull. Soc. Med. Chir., Modena, 1941, 41, 195-6;
  24. Luigi Di Bella: "Transformation of carotene into vitamin A and carotene and vitamin A action on blood glucose in various animals". Archivio di Scienze Biologiche, 1943, 29, 301-304;
  25. Luigi Di Bella: "Importance of thyroid in the biological action of carotene and dell'axeroftolo", Arch. Sc. Biol., 1944, 30, 1-8;
  26. Luigi Di Bella:"On the mechanism of the antidote action of sodium nitrite in poisoning by cyanide". Boll. Soc. Med. Chir., Modena, 1944, 44, 121-42;
  27. Luigi Di Bella: "Retrocession of methemoglobin in vitro", Bull. Soc. Med. Chir., Modena, 1944, 44, 239-60;
  28. Luigi Di Bella: "Contribution to the study of the mechanism of action of sodium nitrite", Bull. Soc. Med. Chir., Modena, 1945, 45, 314-50;
  29. Luigi Di Bella: "Variations in color of anthocyanins and their use as indicators", Atti Soc. Nat. Mat. Modena, 1946, 77, 62-94;
  30. Luigi Di Bella: "Researches about an ascorbic ester of choline", Bull. Soc. Med. Chir. Modena, 1947;
  31. Luigi Di Bella: "On the relationships between thyroxine and carotene in vitro", Bull. Soc. Med. Chir. Modena, 1947;
  32. Luigi Di Bella: "Preliminary observations on the alkaline hydrolysis of some anthocyanins", Bull. Soc. Med. Chir. Modena, 1947;
  33. Luigi Di Bella: "New views on the relationship between hypothalamus, pituitary gland and thermoregulation", Arch: Fisiol., 1947, 47, 1-23;
  34. Luigi Di Bella: "Researches about a compound of ascorbic acid condensation with choline", Bull. Sibs, 1947, 23;
  35. Luigi Di Bella: "Rupture of the meco-cyanidin molecule according to the pH", Bull. Sibs, 1947, 23;
  36. Luigi Di Bella: "Chromogens of carotene", Bull. Sibs, 1947, 23;
  37. Luigi Di Bella:"Apparent deviation from the law of mass action of some indicators", Bull. Sibs, 1947, 23;
  38. Luigi Di Bella: "Erythrocytic exchanges between circulating blood and tissues after Methemoglobin saturation", Bull. Soc. Med. Chir. Modena, 1948, 48;
  39. Luigi Di Bella: "Osazones of the ascorbic acid and methods for the determination of the specific dosage of vit. C ", ibid. 1948, 48;
  40. Luigi Di Bella: "Formation of a compound of condensation between choline and stannous chloride", ibid. 1948;
  41. Luigi Di Bella: "Apparent dissociation curve and pK of methyl red and bromophenol blue", ibid. 1948;
  42. Luigi Di Bella: "Relationships between B-carotene, and thyroxine", Arch. Sci. Biol., 1948, 32;
  43. Luigi Di Bella: ""Retrocession of methemoglobin in vivo", Bull. Sibs, 1948, 24;
  44. Luigi Di Bella: "The excitating and mechanical action of thyroxine Š subject to the existence of a minimum of body stores of vitamin A", Bull. Sibs, 1948, 24;
  45. Luigi Di Bella: "Oxygen consumption after thyroxine in hypovitaminosis A of rat", Arch. Sci. Biol., 1949, 33, 60-76;
  46. Luigi Di Bella, P. Bianchini, V. Ferrari, L. Parisi: "Some observations on experimental gas embolism". Laboratory of General Physiology, Director in charge Prof. Luigi Di Bella , Bull. Soc. Med. Chir. Modena, 1950, 50, 1-4;
  47. L. Di Bella, P. Bianchini, V. Ferrari, L. Parisi: "Presence and functions of urease in the gastric mucosa", ibidem, 1950, 50, 1-9;
  48. Luigi Di Bella: "Iron and insulin activity", Enzymologia, 1950, 83-95;
  49. Luigi Di Bella: "Optical analysis of technique and interpretation of ophthalmic tonometry". Ann. Oftalm. E Clin. Ocul., 196ø, 11, 531-538;
  50. Di Bella L. - Sulsenti G.: "Pathogenesis of cochleovestibular damage after head injury", Official Report to the LII Congress of the Italian Society of Laryngology-Rhinology-Otology, Palermo 24-27 september 1964 - Bologna, Tip. Luigi Parma;
  51. Di Bella - G. Lovino - C. Montanari: "Labyrinthine activities and systemic circulation - Changes in visceral and skin temperature after labyrinthine stimulation - Experimental studies". Acts of the Congress of the Italian Society of Laryngology-Otology and Rhinology, Palermo, september 1964;
  52. L. Raffa - M. Di Bella - L. Di Bella :"Sulphonamides acting on the central nervous system", 'Il Farmaco, July 1963, n.7;
  53. L. Raffa - M. Di Bella - L. Di Bella - G. Conti: "Sulphonamides acting on the central nervous system /note II". 'Il Farmaco', May 1964, n. 5;
  54. L. Di Bella - P. Carc• - G. Sulsenti: " Mechanism of action of vascular tropism of bioflavonoids and their use in otolaryngology" - Symposium on Bioflavonoids of April 24, 1966 in Stresa;
  55. L. Di Bella: "Hydrochloric secretion of the isolated mucous membrane of rat vagotomized, or not"- Extraordinary session of the Belgian Society of Gastroenterology, Bruxelles 9/29/1968;
  56. L. Di Bella, M. Corvaglia, A.L. Piccagli: "Determination of the alveolar lining by the Pattle's method: observations and proposals". Archive Medical Surgical Society of Modena, March 26, 1969;
  57. L. Di Bella, M. Corvaglia, M.T. Rossi: "The lung innervation in the release of the lining". Archive Medical Surgical Society of Modena, March 26, 1969;
  58. L. Di Bella, M. Corvaglia, A.L. Piccagli: "New views on the pathogenesis of experimental pulmonary embolism". - Archive Medical Surgical Society of Modena, March 26, 1969;
  59. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, N. Pellegrino, A. Grimaldi, V. Santoro - "Role of the habenulo-pituitary system in regulating the rate of platelet" - Bull. S.I.B.S., Vol. XLV, num. 20bis, 31 october 1969;
  60. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Determination of alveolar surfactant: criticisms and proposals for new methods". Bull. Soc. Med. Surg. Modena, 1969, 69, 193-230;
  61. L. Di Bella et alum.: "The preference for sapid solutions in rats at various ambient temperatures". Bull. SIBS, 1970, 46, Com. 112;
  62. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Contribution to the study of the nutritive value of urea and purine bases in calves". Bull. SIBS, 1970, 46, Com. 111;
  63. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Variations of the preference according to the ambient temperature". Archives of Physiology., 1970, 68, 55;
  64. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Use of urea as a nitrogenated source in ruminants". Archives of Physiology., 1970, 68, 55;
  65. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Role of the nerves of taste in NaCl and water intake, and of food". Bull. SIBS, 1971, 47, Com. 88;
  66. Luigi Di Bella: "Influence of taste organ on food, water and NaCl intake", Cambridge, 1971, Fourth International Conference on the regulation of food and water intake;
  67. Luigi Di Bella: "Isotonic pendular contractions of rat small bowel after thymectomy or autologous muscle transplantation in young thymus". Arch. Franc. Mal. De l'Appar. Dig., 1972, 61,28C;
  68. Luigi Di Bella: "Carbonidrasi fixation on central nervous system of rats". Bull. Soc. Med. Surg. Modena, 1972, 72, 1-19;
  69. Luigi Di Bella: "The cellular compartment of the blood in the passage for the small circle". Bull. SIBS, 1972, 48, Com. 115;
  70. Luigi Di Bella: "The arteriovenous differences of the cellular compartment of blood after oleo thorax, associated or not to vagotomy". Bull. SIBS, 1972, 48, Com. 116;
  71. Luigi Di Bella: "Modification of blood cell compartment of the small circle after exclusion of the vagus". Bull. SIBS, 1972, 48, Com. 117;
  72. L. Di Bella, I. Zini, M.T. Rossi, P. Sorgato: "Effects of melatonin perfusion on arteriovenous difference of cellular compartment of circulating blood in splenectomized rats" - Bull. It. Soc. Exper. Biol. , vol. XLVIII, n. 20 bis, 31 october 1972;
  73. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Platelets replacement and alveolar surfactant" - Bull. SIBS, vol. XLIX, n. 18 bis, 126;
  74. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Study of some factors in platelets replacement" - ib. 125;
  75. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Pulmonary sequestration of leukocytes and alveolar surfactant" - ib. 127;
  76. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Repercussions on the rate of platelets on pulmonary dynamic in vitro" - ib. 128;
  77. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Variations of the leukocyte rate and curves of inflation and desufflation" - ib. 129;
  78. L. Di Bella: "Effects of melatonin perfusion on arteriovenous difference of cellular compartment of circulating blood in splenectomized rats". - Bull. SIBS, 1972, 48, Com. 118;
  79. L. Di Bella: "Arterio-venous differences in the cellular compartment of circulating blood after decapsulation". - Ib., 1972,48, Com. 119;
  80. L. Di Bella, Lancellotti L., I. Zini, M.T. Rossi: "Bone marrow Dynamic after subacute and chronic treatment with melatonin" - Archive of Physiology, Vol. 69, 1972, fasc. 1, pp. 90-91;
  81. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Megakaryocytic dynamic and platelet count after treatment with melatonin" - ib. pp. 129-130;
  82. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Some aspects of the relationship between leucopoiesis and platelet poiesis" - ib. pp. 75-76;
  83. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Research of bone marrow dynamic in Mus Rattus", ib., pp. 113-114;
  84. L. Di Bella: "Role of taste nerves on water, NaCl and food intake" - ib. pp. 74-75;
  85. Luigi Di Bella e L. Morelli: "Isotonic pendular contractions of rat small bowell after thymectomy or autologous muscle transplantation in young thymus" - French Archives of the digestive apparatus diseases, Tome 61, n. 67;
  86. Luigi Di Bella: "Physiological orientations for the treatment of blood disorders. "Bulletin of Medical Sciences", body of the Society of Surgical and Medical School of Bologna, Year CXLV - Fasc. I - 1974;
  87. Luigi Di Bella, M.T. Rossi: "Nervous control of thrombocytopoiesis": IUPS (International Union of Physiological Sciences), 1974, C. papers;
  88. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, M. Tedeschi: "Pre-convulsion activity of carboanhydrase" - Bull. Soc. Med. Surg. of Modena, Vol. LXXIV, n. 3, 1974, Grafiche Toschi, Modena;
  89. L. Di Bella: "Probable Liver Thermoreceptors as Modulators of Food and Water Intake" (Abstract, 26th ICPS- International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Jerusalem, 1974, p.55);
  90. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Homeostatic aspects of platelet disorder" - Bull. Sibs, Vol. L, n. 20 bis, 30 october 1974;
  91. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Functional aspects of the thrombocyte factor regulator of the rate of platelets" (ib.);
  92. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Intercorrelation between platelets poiesis and erythropoiesis" (ib.);
  93. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Leukocyte rate and thrombopenia" (ib.);
  94. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Some aspects of the bone marrow after treatment with the platelet thrombocytopenic principle" (ib.);
  95. Luigi Di Bella: "The temperature of the liver and the feeling of hunger and thirst" (ib.);
  96. Prof. Luigi Di Bella: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS - Publisher C. Ferrari, 1985;
  97. Luigi. Di Bella, G. Scalera and M.T. Rossi: "Taste preference modifications by cerebellar lesions"- Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Nutrition, Kyoto, Japan, 156;
  98. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Contribution to the nature of the interactions between nucleotides and aryl-amines in the physiology of platelets" - Bull. SIBS, vol. LI, n. 18 bis october 1975, Com. 20;
  99. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Number of elements and of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow of rats" - ib. Com. 21;
  100. L. Di Bella et alum.: Volume and cell packing of the bone marrow" - ib. Com. 22;
  101. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Influence of the of bone marrow cellular component above the osmotic pressure of the intercellular fluid" - ib. Com. 23;
  102. L. Di Bella et alum.: "On the osmotic pressure of the bone marrow" - ib. Com. 25;
  103. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Probable contribution of afferences from abdominal thermoreceptors food consummatory activity" - Bull. SIBS, vol. LI, n. 18 bis october 1975, Com. 13;
  104. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Rats feeding following brain lesions" - ib. Com. 106;
  105. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Alimentary appetitive activity during abdominal heating" - ib. Com. 103;
  106. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Modification of taste preferences after brain injury"- ib. Com. 104;
  107. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "The Place of intestinal afferences in the regulation of GH incretion". Acta It. Soc. of Clinical Biochemistry, 1976;
  108. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Hypophyseal GH content following thymectomy". Acta Soc. It. di Biochimica Clinica, 1976;
  109. L. Di Bella et coll.: "School survey on the consumption of fish in two provinces of Emilia" - Bull. SIBS, 1976, 52, Com. 129;
  110. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Study of some platelets replacement factors" - It. Arch. of Physiology (in sta, 98);
  111. L. Di Bella: "Changes in erythrocyte 2,3-DPG after acute treatment with 5-methoxy-N-acetyl-tryptamine (melatonin) "It. Archive of Physiology (in sta, 98);
  112. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Modification of consummatory alimentary activity by stimulation of masticatory afferences" Bull. SIBS, 1976, 52, Com. 187;
  113. L. Di Bella: "Interference between the abdominal thermoreceptors and chewing mechanoreceptors in the introduction of food" - Ib. Com. 188;
  114. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Formation of complexes between Melatonin and purine and pirimidiche basis" - Bull. SIBS, 1976, 52, com. 157;
  115. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Electrophoresis effects in vivo on rat myelogram" - ib. 52, com. 214;
  116. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Effects of Melatonin over the 2,3-DPG in circulating erythrocytes of rats" - ib. 52, com. 24;
  117. Luigi Di Bella et aluml.: "Further contribution to the mechanism of production of changes in intra-erythrocytic 2,3-DPG after treatment with melatonin" - ib. 52, com. 21;
  118. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Physiological surveys and effects of melatonin on thalassemia" - ib. 52, com. 221;
  119. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Bone marrow stimulating action of melatonin" - ib. 52, com. 26;
  120. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Influence of nitrogenated catabolites in the function of bone marrow" - ib. 52, com. 23;
  121. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Influence of normal nitrogenated catabolites on blood and bone marrow. II. Effect of uric acid" - ib. 52, com. 22;
  122. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Plasmaexpander influence on marrow cellularity" - ib. 52, com. 215;
  123. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "The osmotic pressure of the bone marrow after perfusion with plasma-expander" - ib. 52, com. 218;
  124. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Mechanisms of regulation of osmotic pressure and marrow function" - ib. 52, 27;
  125. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "The myelogram after infusion of plasma expanders" - ib. 52, 216;
  126. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, and G. Scalera: "Physiological Basis for a Rational Therapy of Bone Marrow Diseases" - Acta The 16th International Congress of Hematology, Kyoto, September 5-11 1976* n. 9-45;
  127. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Convergence of afferences from tongue and mouth structures, and their significance for food acceptance" - Nutrition and Metabolism, Main Editor N. Z”llner, Munich, vol. 20, no. 3, 1976, 19;
  128. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Food and fluid intake and body weight gain after symmetrical cortico-cerebellar lesions" - 78 - (Second European Nutrition Conference" - 15-17 september, 1976, Munich/Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Ern„hrung);
  129. L. Di Bella et alum.: "The role of proprioceptive masticatory afferences in the rat feeding pattern behaviour" - ibidem, 93;
  130. L. Di Bella, G. Scalera, M.T. Rossi: "Mutual relations between thymus and hypophysys"- Acta "Symposium on regulation of pituitary functions", Strbsk‚ Pleso, October 13-15, 1976, n. 30;
  131. L. Di Bella, G. Scalera, M.T. Rossi: "Do estrogen mechanoreceptive impulses contribute to liberation of GH from adenohypophysis?";
  132. L. Di Bella, M.t. Rossi, G. Scalera, M.T. Andal•: "The fish in nutrition" - Patron Editor, Bologna, 1977;
  133. L. Di Bella: "Food and Fluid Intake and Body Weight Gain after Symmetrical Corticocerebellar lesion" - Nutrition & Metabolism., Vol. 21, Suppl. 1, (pp. 61-63), 1977, Ed. S. Karger, Basel;
  134. L. Di Bella: "Convergence of afference from tongue and mouth structures, and their significance for food acceptance" - ib., 1977, 21, Suppl., 69-70;
  135. L. Di Bella: "Role of proprioceptive masticatory afferences in the rat feeding pattern behaviour" - ib., 1977, 21, Suppl., 70-72;
  136. L. Di Bella: "Haemorrhagic syndrome by hypovitaminosis" - ASLE Ed., Rome, 1977;
  137. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Effects of somatostatin on the function of bone marrow" - Bull. SIBS, vol. LIII, n. 18 bis, 1977, 53, Com. 42;
  138. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Effects of melatonin on bone marrow living megakaryocytes of rats"- ib., 1977, 53, Com. 44;
  139. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Considerations on methods of determining the taste threshold" - It. Soc. of Physiology, Florence, 1978;
  140. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Role of gustatory receptors in the hydration subsequent to dehydration" - Bull. SIBS, 1978, 54, Com. 60;
  141. L. Di Bella et alum.: Socio-economic and evolutive aspects of food consumption" - ib. 1978, 54, Com. 184;
  142. L. Di Bella et alum.: "Functional aspects of megakaryocytes in vitro" - Bull. SIBS, 1978, 54, Com. 4;
  143. L. Di Bella et alum.: "On the mechanism of platelet formation in vitro" - ib. 1978, 54, Com. 5;
  144. Luigi Di Bella: "Elements of Pathophysiology of the nose" - II International Course of Functional Surgery of the nasal septum and pyramid, Bologna, July 1978;
  145. Luigi Di Bella, G. Scalera, M.T. Rossi: "Separate taste influences on water and salt equilibria" - 3ø ECRO Congress, Pavia, 1978;
  146. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, and G. Scalera (Chair of General Physiology, University of Modena, Modena Italy): "Perspectives in pineal functions" - Progress in Brain Research - The Pineal Gland of Vertebrates including Man - Vol. 52 - Editors J. Ari‰ns Kappers and P. Pever ¸ 1979, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press;
  147. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Contribution to the techniques of study in vitro of megakaryocytes" - Bull. SIBS, Vol. LV, fasc. 4, 1979;
  148. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Action of melatonin on platelet formation in vitro". Ib;
  149. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Action of ADP on platelet genesis in vitro" - ib;
  150. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Effects of the simultaneous action of melatonin and ADP on megakaryocytes in vitro" - ib;
  151. Luigi Di Bella, G. Scalera, M.T, Rossi, L. Gualano: "Platelet aggregation in the presence of melatonin" - Ib;
  152. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, G. Tarozzi: "Fish meal as a protein source in some Italian region"- Varf"da, volym 31, Suppl. 3,1979, Com. 248;
  153. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, G. Tarozzi: "Incidence of food shape on food acceptance"- ib. Com. 252;
  154. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "Effects of melatonin on platelet in vitro" - Bull. SIBS, 1979, 55, Com. 114;
  155. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "Aggregation with ADP of platelets pretreated with melatonin" - ib. Com. 54;
  156. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "On the physiological role of melatonin in the regulation of the rate of platelets" - ib. Com. 68;
  157. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "On the determination of the taste threshold" - Bull. SIBS, 1979, 55, 394/397;
  158. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "Peripheral and central factors for changing the taste threshold" - ib. 398/403;
  159. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "Fish consumption in a subalpine population" - Bull. SIBS, 1979, 55, Com. 162;
  160. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "The role of oral mechanoreceptors in taste preferences" - Bull. SIBS, 1979, 55, Com. 131;
  161. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "Preference changes following dehydration, Sour, bitter and preferences" - Bull. SIBS, 1979, 55, 2444/2448;
  162. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Gualano: "Natrium chloride preference after dehydration of rats" - ib. 2438/2444;
  163. L. Di Bella, G. Tarozzi, M.T. Rossi and G. Scalera: "Behavioral Patterns Proceeding from Liver Thermoreceptors" - Physiology & Behavior, vol. 26, pp. 53-59. Pergamon Press and Brain Research Publ., 1981;
  164. L. Di Bella, G. Tarozzi, M.T. Rossi and G. Scalera: "Effect of liver temperature increase on food intake" - ib., pag. 45-51;
  165. L. Di Bella: "Correlation between the food and fluid intake" - Intern. Conf. on the Physiology of Food and Fluid Intake, IUPS, Warsaw 1980;
  166. L. Di Bella: "Role of mechanoreceptors in food intake"- ib;
  167. L. Di Bella, G. Scalera, M.T. Rossi, G. Tarozzi: "Taste preferences and appetite following somatostatin injection" - Proceedings of Joint Congress on Chemoreception, 1980, Noordwiikerhout, Holland, Edited by H. van der Starre;
  168. L. Di Bella, G. Scalera, M.T. Rossi, G. Tarozzi: "Convergence of afference in drinking and eating integrative centers" - ibidem;
  169. Luigi Di Bella, G. Scalera and M.T. Rossi: "Melatonin: an essential factor for the treatment and recovery from leucemia and cancer". Proc. International Symposium on Melatonin, Bremen, September 28-30 1980* Editors N. Birau and W. Schloot;
  170. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera and L. Gualano: "Platelet turnover as influenced by melatonin". Ib;
  171. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera and L. Gualano: "Red blood cells generation and melatonin". Ib;
  172. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Fluorescence of megakaryocytes of rats in the presence of melatonin" - Bull. SIBS, 1980, 5, Com. 192;
  173. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Effects of some substances on the fluorescence by melatonin of the elements of of rats bone marrow" - ib. Com. 193;
  174. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M.T. Rossi & G. Scalera: "Somatostatin in cancer therapy". Athens, June 1-3. 1981, Serono Symposia, Abstract book;
  175. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M.T. Rossi & G. Scalera: "Somatostatin and food intake behavior" - Proc. 2nd International Symposium of somatostatin - Athens, June 1-3. 1981, Serono Symposia, Abstract book;
  176. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Molecular mechanism of bone marrow thrombocytogenesis by melatonin"; Proc. Second Colloquium of the EPSG, Giessen 1981, Ed. P‚vet and. E. Tapp;
  177. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera: "Alimentary behaviour following pinealectomy" - Proc. Second Colloquium of the EPSG, Giessen 1981, Ed. P‚vet and. E. Tapp;
  178. Di Bella L., Rossi M.T. & G. Scalera: "The neurotropic action of Melatonin" - Proc. Int. Symposium on Nervous System Regeneration, September 1-5, 1981, University of Catania, PE1;
  179. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Influence of external factors (aggregation, lighting) on the introduction of foods and fluids and taste preference" - Bull. SIBS, Volume LVII, number 18 bis, Com. 147;
  180. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: "Action of Melatonin on the metamorphosis in tadpoles of rana esculenta" . Ib. Com.115;
  181. Luigi Di Bella et alum.: Perception of flavors and protein synthesis" - ib. 142;
  182. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, G. Scalera, L. Mazzoni and P. Trevisan: "Influence of Melatonin on the development of frog tadpoles" - Bull. SIBS, vol. LVIII (1982);
  183. L. Di Bella, Rossi M.T., Gualano L., Mazzoni L., Scalera G.: "MSH inhibits platelets aggregation" - Acts congr. SIBS, SIF, SINU, Cetraro (Cs), 23-25 september, 65;
  184. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi e G. Scalera: : "A contribution to a correlation between drinking and feeling behaviour" - Abstracts Eight International Conference on the Physiology and Food and Fluid Intake", Eighth International Conference on the Physiology of Food and Fluid Intake, Melbourne, August 23d/26th, 1983;
  185. L. Di Bella and M.T. Rossi: "Molecular aspects of platelet production and function" - Proc. of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, vol. XV, Sydney, August 28 to September 3, 1983;
  186. Rossi M.T. and Di Bella L.: "The role of the thyroid in the regulation of food and fluid intake" - Acts of the XI Riunion of the It. Soc. di Physiology, may 1984, Idelson Editore, Naples;
  187. M.T. Rossi and L. Di Bella: "The influence of the thyroid on the water and food intake" - Abstracts Nato advanced Resarch Workshop, Camerino, July 1984;
  188. L. Di Bella, Rossi M.T.: "Some aspects of the neurothropic action of Melatonin" - Abstracts Third Colloquium of European Pineal Study Group (EPSG), Pecs, 1984, pag.55;
  189. L. Di Bella, Rossi M.T.: "Ten Years experience on the action of Melatonin on humans". Abstracts Third Colloquium of European Pineal Study Group (EPSG), Pecs, 1984, pag.56;
  190. Rossi M.T., Di Bella L.,Gualano L.: "Bone marrow platelet production after Melatonin i.v. infusion" - ib. pag. 68;
  191. Luigi Di Bella and Maria Teresa Rossi: "Food intake and body weight circadian rhythm changes following subacute partial dehydration" - Bull. Sibs, 1984, P70;
  192. L. Di Bella, Rossi M.T., L. Gualano, L. Roncone: "Melatonin in Thrombocytogenesis"- Acta "Melatonin in Humans", November 7-9, 1985, Vienna;
  193. Luigi Di Bella e M.T. Rossi: "Water and fluid intake: the self integrative activities of ingestive behaviour" - Pflgger Archiv, European Journal of Physiology/S.I.F, Springer International, 1986,S53;
  194. Di Bella L., M.T. Rossi, L. Gualano and A. Ferrari: "Dehydration partially simulates some rat circadian behavior appearances" - IX International Conference on the Physiology of Food and Fluid Intake, July 7-11, 1986, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.- pubbl. "Appetite", vo. 7, n. 3, pg. 251 Ac. Press sept. 1986;
  195. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, L. Gualano, L. Roncone, V. Ventura: "The bone marrow (BM) and the megacariocytes (Mgc) as substrates of Melatonin (MLT) action" - XXX Congress of International Union of Physiological Sciences, Vancouver, Canada, 13 July-19 July 1986;
  196. L. Di Bella and M.T. Rossi: "Melatonin in Thrombocytogenesis" - The Pineal gland and Cancer, Edited by Derek Gupta, Andrea Attanasio, Russel J. Reiter - Brain Research Promotion, Tbingen, 1988, pagg. 183-194;
  197. L. Di Bella and M.T. Rossi: "Melatonin in cancer therapy" - Symposium on Melatonin and the Pineal gland - Hong Kong, 1988, Abstract;
  198. L. Di Bella, M.T. Rossi, L. Gualano; Sahba Ahdieh: "Cardio-circulatory responses to Melatonin" - Bull. Sibs, Alghero, 26-28 september 1988;
  199. Luigi Di Bella: "The role of Melatonin in the photoperiodic control of water intake by rats". XXXI International Congress of Physiological sciences , Helsinki, Finland, 9-14 July, 1989 - P5601;
  200. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano, M. Camellini and. G.C. Minuscoli: "Photoperiod and rat's peripheral blood" - Ab. 5th Colloquium of the European Pineal Study Group, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K, September 2-th 1990;
  201. L. Di Bella, G.C. Minuscoli: "Serotonin/Melatonin biological interrelations" - Abs. International Symposium on Pineal Hormones (Satellite Symposium of the Thirtheenth biennial Conference of the International Society for Neurochemistry), Bowral, NSW, Australia, July 21st-24th, 1991;
  202. L. Di Bella, G.C. Minuscoli: "Light wave length and water intake". Abstracts 3rd International Congress of comparative Physiology and Biochemistry - Tokyo, August 25/30 1991* 1070, 101;
  203. L. Di Bella: "Melatonin and platelets/endothelium relationships" - Abst. "Melatonin and thePineal Gland, from basic Science to clinical application", Sat. Symposium of the IXth International Congress of Endocrinology, Paris, France, September 6-9, 1992;
  204. L. Di Bella: "Stabilization of platelet membrane by Melatonin". - Joint meeting SIBS/SIF/SINU, Rome, 23-26 September 1992;
  205. L. Di Bella: "Growth and growth factors" - Extracts / National Congress of Cytology, Bologna, 4/5 march 1993;
  206. L. Di Bella, G.C. Minuscoli & L. Gualano: "Influence of Neuropeptide Y on bone marrow megacariocytes blood platelet count and blood glucose level" - Abstr. XXXII Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Glasgow, Aug 1st-6th, 1993;
  207. L. Di Bella, G.C. Minuscoli & L. Gualano: "D/L water intake by tumorous rats"; "Effect of melatonin on circadian water intake by normal and tumor-bearing rats" - Abstr. Joint meeting SIBS-SIF-SINU, Ischia, 25-28 september 1994;
  208. L. Di Bella, L. Gualano and G.C. Minuscoli: "Platelet production by megacariocytes following intra or extra cytoplasmatic injection of mediators" - The University of Chicago Press, July/August 1995-Volume 68, Number 4-Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Birmingham, U.K., August 6th-11th 1995;
  209. Luigi Di Bella: "Report for the Congress of Reggio Calabria - January 25, 1997". From "Melatonin - from research to interventions. Anatomical and physiological aspects, clinical and therapeutic and health issues", Edizioni Euromeeting, 1997;
  210. Luigi Di Bella, Giuseppe Di Bella, G. Minuscoli, A. Norsa, M. Madarena: "Cancer: are we on the right path?".Ed. T. Factory, 1997;
  211. Luigi Di Bella, L. Gualano, F. Tomassi, E. Mussati, GC. Minuscoli: "Cytoclhalasin B and Melatonin in platelet production" - Sr. Petersburg, XXXIII IUPS Congress, 30/6-5/7/1997;
  212. L. Di Bella et al.: "Cytochalasin B influence on megakaryocyte patch-clamp" - Melatonin after Four Decades, edited by James Olcese*Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000;
  213. Di Bella et alum.: "Further clinical and experimental data on platelet production by melatonin (MLT)"; "Megakayocite membrane patch-clamp outward current after retinoid application". Oxford, 27 august 2001, "Gordon Research Conference on Pineal cell Biology", Oxford, August 2000;
  214. Di Bella L., C. Bruschi and L. Gualano: "Melatonin carries important effects on megakaryocyte membrane patch-clamp outward current". Proc. XXXIV International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Christchurch-New Zealand, 26th August 2001;
  215. Luigi Di Bella, Carla Bruschi, Luciano Gualano: "Melatonin effects on megakaryocyte membrane pach-clamp outward K+ current". Medical Science Monitor, 2002; 8(12): BR527-531.


Published on Monday, 04 March 2013

March 1998. Prof Luigi Di Bella with his two sons: Adolfo (Lawyer) and Giuseppe (MD. PhD.). On July 1st, 2003 both his sons inherited the legacy of knowledge, experience, successes and compassion for the fellow human being which were the basis of their father's greatness. Since then, they have been continuing his work assisting the thousands of former and new patients through the Di Bella Foundation.March 1998. Prof Luigi Di Bella with his two sons: Adolfo (Lawyer) and Giuseppe (MD. PhD.). On July 1st, 2003 both his sons inherited the legacy of knowledge, experience, successes and compassion for the fellow human being which were the basis of their father's greatness. Since then, they have been continuing his work assisting the thousands of former and new patients through the Di Bella Foundation

This website wants to be a tribute to the amazing work of these three great men through a display of summarized reports on case studies (followed by themselves or by those who embraced the Method) and achievements collected in more than 30 years of research on the DBM (Di Bella Method).

If you came through this website it means you are looking for hope; then continue scrolling down the page and you will find more than hope, you will meet the people they saved!




Key aspects of the physiology of melatonin: thirty years of research. Compendium of Prof. Luigi Di Bella's researches on melatonin, extrapolated from the most significant papers presented at national and international conferences.
Cancer: are we on the right track? The purpose of this book is to try to induce to a change of direction in cancer therapy. It is difficult to remove perfectly organized methods which benefit from political, economic and organizational  support but, even David dared to fight Goliath.
Di Bella therapy: our truth. The truth from one of the physicians who embraced the Di Bella Method.
 Di Bella, the Man, the Cure, a Hope for All. The Man, the therapy, the hope.
 Egregious Professor Di Bella. Luigi Di Bella, the man and physician who has revolutionized the Italian health system; 20 years of direct experiences and testimonies from which emerges the need for change.
 Healing is possible with the Di Bella method. Includes 20 testimonies of patients cured with DBM.
 The Di Bella Method. A comprehensive explanation of the method. Developed by Prof. Luigi Di Bella.
The Poet of science. Prof. Luigi Di Bella's official biography.
The professor of hope. How Luigi Di Bella saved me.
The rational biological multitherapy of tumors: the Di Bella Method. Physiological principles, psychological mechanisms and illustration of clinical cases.
You will not die of this desease. In August '93 Mauro Todisco discovers that Prof. Luigi Di Bella is the physician who first in the world has used Melatonin for therapeutic purposes.
Judgments of life. Courts throughout Italy agree with patients being treated with the Di Bella therapy and, on the basis of technical expertise, condemn the local health authorities to provide free of charge the protocols rejected by the Ministry of Health.
Can it be cured? My life, my way, my truth. Prof. Luigi Di Bella's life, researches, first intuitions, the reactions of the academic world, the public opinion and the enlightening testimonies of patients.
Thank you, professor Di Bella. Journey back to health. After 12 years of chemotherapy and 7 surgical interventions, when it seemed .there was nothing more to do, in 1996 Lorrain Rowland meets Professor Luigi Di Bella and begins to live again. This is the story of her "adventure".
A bit of truth about Di Bella therapy. The arrogance and incompetence of politicians, the hostility of the barons of medicine, the "anomalies"; of the trial, the actions of the magistrates.
Italian title
Aspetti chiave nella Fisiologia della Melatonina: trent'anni di ricerche.
Cancro: siamo sulla strada giusta?
Cura Di Bella: la nostra verità.
Di Bella, l'uomo, la cura, la speranza.
Egregio Professor Di Bella.
Guarire si può con il Metodo Di Bella.
Il Metodo Di Bella.
Il Poeta della scienza.
Il professore della speranza.
La multiterapia biologica razionale dei tumori: il Metodo Di Bella.
Non morirai di questo male.
Sentenze di vita.
Si può guarire? La mia vita, il mio metodo, la mia verità.
Grazie Professore. Viaggio verso la guarigione.
Un po' di verità sulla terapia Di Bella.
English title
Key aspects of the physiology of melatonin: thirty years of research.
Cancer: are we on the right track?
Di Bella therapy: our truth
Di Bella, the Man, the Cure, a Hope for All.
Egregious Professor Di Bella.
Healing is possible with the Di Bella method.
The Di Bella Method.
The Poet of science.
The professor of hope.
The rational biological multitherapy of tumors: the Di Bella Method.
You mill not die of this disease.
Judgements of life.
Can it be cured? My life, my way, my truth.
Thank you, professor Di Bella. Journey back to health.
A bit of truth about Di Bella therapy.
Italian only
English, French, German, Italian and Spanish
Italian only
English and Italian
Italian only
Italian only
Italian only
Italian only
Italian only
Italian only
Italian only
Italian only
Italian only
English, Italian and Spanish
Italian only

The Di Bella Method (DBM)

Published on Sunday, 25 November 2012

Introduction (full pdf)

The rationale, the aims, the components, the biochemical and physiological bases and the molecular biology mechanisms of action of the DBM are described. The tolerability, the clinical findings and the confirmation in the literature of the antitumoural efficacy of each individual component of the DBM, enhanced by the synergic factorial effect, are reported "The serious numerous irregularities that totally delegitimised the DBM experiments in 1998" (see below with complete transcription here) are also pointed out. The positive results achieved with the retrospective observational study on patients treated with the DBM are reported.



The current data in the literature on chemotherapy document a high degree of toxicity and a mortality percentage also reported by the Reuters Health Agency (Wesport, CT 2001-05-17): “Unexpected high mortality rates associated with chemotherapy regimen...”. This is confirmed by a study of the chemotherapy protocols for lymphoproliferative diseases (Atra et al. 1998) which reports a mortality rate of 11%, not caused by the tumour but solely by the chemotherapy.

The current survival of patients with tumours is mainly due to surgery, much less to radiotherapy, reaching 29% at 5 years (Richards et al. 2000). Of this 29%, only 2.1–2.5% is due to chemotherapy (Morgan et al. 2005). This fundamental publication is based on 14 years of observation, 225,000 patients and 22 types of tumour, aimed at ascertaining the true contribution of chemotherapy in achieving 5 years of survival (see "How effective is chemo therapy?").

Chemotherapy alone, without surgery, thus allows only 2.1–2.5% of patients to survive for 5 years, after which it has been ascertained that half of these patients who have survived for five years will die in the long-term as a result of their tumour (Lopez et al. 1998). Data from the recent conferences of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) clearly show that in solid tumours monoclonal antibodies allow an average increase in survival of around two months, and only in rare cases, with or without associated chemotherapy, does this figure rise to or exceed four months.

Based on these data reported in the literature, we decided that it was appropriate to propose the new biological, physiological and rational therapy protocols of the DBM with greater efficacy and lower toxicity.

Read more: The Di Bella Method (DBM)